Final Fable Wikia

Basic | Upgrade | Shops | Wellspring | Crest | Enchant

There are crests at 4 different slots. Use similar crests in all 4 slots to make a set to get the set bonus. Use rubies to forge crests which merges 4 equal lower crests into 1 of higher level. There are 5 levels altogether. On the other hand, talents that are rolled by using gems can go up to level 7.

Name Where from? Level Set Bonus 
  • Elite 4-2, 4-4
  • VIP Bundle 6
  • Shops
  • Tomes in Wellspring
  1. Has a 5% chance of negating damage taken
  2. 6% chance
  3. 7% chance
  4. 8% chance
  5. 9% chance
  • VIP Bundle 11-15
  1. Improves attack speed by 0.3 secs
  2. By 0.5 secs
  3. By 0.7 secs
  4. By 1.0 secs
  5. By 1.5 secs
  6. By 1.7 secs
  7.  Still unknown
Blood Edge
  • Skyview
  • Shops
  • Tomes in Wellspring
  1. Auto attacks heal 1% of Max HP
  2. 2%
  3. 3%
  4. 4%
  5. 5%
  6. 7%
Brute Force
  • Conquest Quarters
  • VIP Bundle 8
  • Tomes in Wellspring
  1. Increases CRIT DMG by 5%
  2. By 10%
  3. By 15%
  4. By 20%
  5. By 40%
  • Only rolled as Talent
  1. Increases HP by 500
  2. By 1500
  3. By 4000
  4. By 7000
  5. By ?
Fatal Strike
  • Elite 5-2, 5-4
  • VIP Bundle 7
  • Tomes in Wellspring
  1. Auto attacks have a 10% chance of inflicting 3x damage
  2. 4x damage
  3. 5x damage
  4. 6x damage
  5. 7x damage
Flame Shield
  • Tomes in Wellspring
  1. Reflects 8% of damage taken back to the attacker
  2. Reflects 11%
  3. Reflects 14%
  4. Reflects 17%
  5. Reflects 20%
Heavy Blow
  • Pal-Mart
  • VIP Bundle 9
  • Tomes in Wellspring
  1. Auto attacks have a 15% chance of immobilizing the target for 1 sec
  2. For 1.5 secs
  3. For 2.0 secs
  4. For 2.5 secs
  5. For 4.0 secs
Hidden Potenttial
  • Only rolled as Talent
  1. Increases Magic DMG by 50 and raises the level of all skills by 2
  2. Magic DMG by 100, skills by 4
  3. Magic DMG by 150, skills by 6
  4. Magic DMG by 200, skills by 8
  5. Magic DMG by 250, skills by 10
  6. Magic DMG by 700, skills by 22
  • Shops
  • Tomes in Wellspring
  1. Auto attacks have a 25% chance of slowing the target by 30% for 5 secs
  2. By 40%
  3. By 50%
  4. By 60%
  5. By 70%
  6. 35% chance of slowing target by 75% for 5 secs
  • Shops
  • Tomes in Wellspring
  1. Increases all skill levels by 1
  2. By 2
  3. By 3
  4. By 4
  5. By 10
  • Individual ranking rewards during weekly Eldur and Game Point events
  1. Start battles with 100 MP
  2. 300 MP
  3. 500 MP
  4. 700 MP
  5. 1000 MP
Killer Instinct
  • Only rolled as Talent
  1. Increases PHY ATK and Magic ATK by 50
  2. By 150
  3. By 300
  4. By 500
  5. By 700
  6. By 900
Life Leech
  • Grimms: Flames of Armageddon
  • Shops
  • Tomes in Wellspring
  1. Auto attacks also heal 5% of damage dealt
  2. Heal 10%
  3. Heal 15%
  4. Heal 20%
  5. Heal 30%
Magic CRIT
  • Guild ranking rewards during weekly Eldur and Game Point events
  • Shops
  • Tomes in Wellspring
  1. Increases Magic CRIT by 20
  2. By 40
  3. By 70
  4. By 100
  5. By 200
  6.  By 250
  7. By 300
Mana Block
  • Elite 2-2, 2-4
  • Elite 7-2, 7-4
  • Shops
  • Tomes in Wellspring
  • VIP Bundle 4
  1. Increases Magic Resist by 20
  2. By 40
  3. By 60
  4. By 150
  5. By 250
Physical Lethal Blow
  • Grimms: (Wood Team)
  • Shops
  • Tomes in Wellspring
  1. Increases Physical CRIT by 20
  2. By 40
  3. By 70
  4. By 150
  5. By ?
Quick Reflexes
  • Only rolled as Talent
  1. Increases Dodge by x and PHY DMG by y
  2. Dodge by 20, Phy DMG by 100
  3. Dodge by ?, Phy DMG by ?
  4. Dodge by 50, Phy DMG by 300
  5. Dodge by 80, Phy DMG by 500
Razor Armor
  • Elite 3-2, 3-4
  • Shops
  • Tomes in Wellspring
  • VIP Bundle 5
  1. Has a 5% chance to reflect damage
  2. 6% chance
  3. 7% chance
  4. 8% chance
  5. 10% chance
  6.  12% chance
  • Grimms: (Fire Team)
  • Shops
  • Tomes in Wellspring
  1. Auto attacks reduce target's MP by 10
  2. By 30
  3. By 50
  4. By 80
  5. By 160
  • Shops
  • Tomes in Wellspring
  1. If destroyed deals damage equal to 50% Physical ATK on all enemies
  2. 75% Physical ATK
  3. 100%
  4. 150%
  • Arena Showroom
  • VIP Bundle 10
  1. Increases HP by 10%
  2. By 15%
  3. By 20%
  4. By 25%
  5. By 30%
  6. By 35%
Steel Skin
  • Elite 1-2, 1-4
  • Elite 6-2, 6-4
  • Shops
  • Tomes in Wellspring
  1. Increases Defense by 20
  2. By 40
  3. By 60
  4. By 150
  5. By 250
  • Only rolled as Talent
  1. When being attacked, 5% chance to hit the attacker for 250% of damage taken
  2. 6% chance
  3. 7% chance
  4. 9% chance
  5. ?
Tough Skin
  • Only rolled as Talent
  1. Increases DEF and Magic Resist by  40
  2. By ?
  3. By 150
  4. By 300
  5. By ?
  6. By 800